
Upcoming events

UConn Sports Analytics Conference - October 9 - Cost is $5 for students. - Go to for more information

HackDuke Code for Good - October 23 - 24


#Note: all averages rescaled to be out of 100 points

Total_Points <- 
  Mean(HW01, HW02) * 0.3 + 
  Mean(Lab01, Lab02, Lab03) * 0.15 + 
  Exam01 * 0.10 + 
  Sum(PrepQuiz01, PreqQuiz02, PrepQuiz03)/15 * 0.05 + 
  Mean(AE05 - AE11) * 0.025

Grade <- Total_Points / (0.30 + 0.15 + 0.10 + 0.05 +0.025)

Visual editor in RStudio!

AE 14: Transforming the repsonse variable

Introduce project